Wednesday, September 3, 2014

...sentiments ^^ is wednesday, class day again tomorrow... so far, i have been surviving with my class schedule, we just started with our lessons, i still have to go through a lot of challenges... i am grateful that my superiors at work allowed me to leave earlier when i have class and then i will just have longer working hours on other days to offset the hours i won't be in the office... also my professor is kind enough to understand my situation as a student who is working full time...

...i almost had an anxiety attack last week, it's very ME... i always tend to be nervous and worried over things... of course i am afraid to fail or not do things... i know my capacity and i know i am nothing compared with my classmates... i have been struggling, i have worries, and have fears... but to ease those things, i am just taking things one day at a time... i know this too shall pass... this will end in three months time and i hope to earn 6 more units...

it would be my 3rd decade on earth next week :), 3 decades of laughters and tears, joys and pains, jolly times and sad times, smiling and frowning, ups and downs, etc. - in short, 3 decades of contradictions... all kinds of emotional contradictions that have made me who am i, and where am i now... 30 years of being grateful to have a great family, friends, colleagues, acquaintance... my 30th birthday would be special because we have now a very welcome addition to the family, our little angel, Mely Angelique... :) ...i will try to enjoy that day, although i am a bit doubting since i will have a report the next day... but in general, i a really thankful and grateful for everything that have happened to my existence, and looking forward of more challenges and achievement/s... there's more to come, and i will be very happy to go through it all with God's grace and guidance and with all the people around me... :) :) :)

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