Wednesday, September 10, 2014

3rd decade & counting :)

...well, it's my third decade on earth today... i filed a two-day leave for my birthday... i suppose to attend 615am mass in St Scho, but my laziness kicked in and so i got up from bed at around 8am, since Che woke me up and greeted me with a hug before she left... I checked my phone and have 6 unread messages, the first 6 greeters: tatay, mommee, tita bell, sunny, michiko, and bee; and also kakang mely, if she's still with us, i am pretty sure that she'll be one among the first greeters! ;)

...i ate breakfast, took a bath, then started with my report for tomorrow... i also got touched receiving a birthday text message from our AO, Ms Liza... from that day that i was scheduled for interview in ASPAC until now, she's a big help to me... :) i left past 11am to attend the 12nn mass in Harrisson Plaza chapel... today is a Wednesday, so there's also novena for Mama Mary after the mass...

...we will have pizza and pasta later for dinner! :)))) busog na naman! i celebrate my 30th birthday today, i am so thankful and grateful for everything that has happened to me... i was able to achieve possessing the school ID of the state university in QC, and the government ID of that office along Roxas Blvd near Cuneta Astrodome, i am looking forward to also have the ID issued by the LTO! ;) i am enrolled in a graduate studies (although i am re-assessing myself about it, if i really want to continue) and i am working in that government agency... there are so many things to come and much, much more for me in the future... i am also looking forward if i'll make or break the exam i took last 10 August... that one will also be a big factor for my future plans... of course, i am thinking of a worse scenario but at the same time hoping for the best thing to happen... i am also apprehensive if i will pass it throughout, but i guess i just need to take things one day at a time, one exam at a time... just like what i have read from a blog: don't busy yourself looking ahead at the bumps of the road, not realizing that a big truck is coming your way... things destined to happen will happen no matter what, i am still believing for God's Master Plan for me... and so far, after the all the ups and downs, crying and laughing, smiling and frowning, i have been living a great life, it may not be perfect but it has taught me how live and enjoy, and be grateful... i am so lucky to be surrounded by great people, i have my siblings, i have my parents, relatives, friends, colleagues, and of course, the newest inspiration and source of joy of our family: our little angel, Mely Angelique... i guess, i could not ask for more, but be thankful and grateful for everything... :) :) :) i start my life towards more decades here on earth, i am contended and satisfied on what i have yet also yearning to achieve more goals and plans if God will permits me... it was a great and fulfilling 30 years of my life and i am looking forward for more! :) :) :) :)

although i don't feel like a 30 year old, i am happy to be 30! hahaha!

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