Tuesday, September 30, 2008

birthday celebration 2

i had my 2nd birthday bash last September 18. that was actually a double birthday celebration of rizza's and mine. we had it in Mulligan KTV and restaurant. well, we really had fun inside the room that we have rented unaware that the rain is pouring heavily outside. (maybe our voices are so good, that the heaven shed tears of joy) we sang the all-time favorite songs like: Philippine Geography of Yoyoy Villame, Babae po ako by Tuesday Vargas, etc. :)hahaha! i really enjoyed that one, i was able to sing (and dance) as long as i want... :)

Life is work as work is life

I have received and browsed the document a week ago, but it’s only now that I really read its content. I missed the important word in the 2nd page “NOT”, now I’m facing again the same problem.

It was only 2 months after that event in PICC, when I come across this company in the PLDT directory. Excited and in need to have a job, I called them and asked for a vacancy. Luckily, they are looking for someone to fill in the position. After an almost a month of preliminaries, I got to have the so called ‘first day in work’.

I started as simple as a staff; I am just receiving instructions on what to do. But when I was just starting to get used to my undemanding work and barely after being employed as permanent, my supervisor, who have spent nearly 10 years with the company, decided to take a leave and try to have other working environment. Although there are changes, I did not have much difficulty adjusting on her absence because with our technology today, it seemed like she’s just here with me in the office, and so I still work under her instructions. Another thing is I consoled myself that she’ll be back and everything will turn back to what it is used to be. Few months before her supposed return, I received her email: irrevocable resignation.

It gave me mixed emotions: I was scared coping up with the work, making decisions, talking to people, and doing things on my own. For few days, I was always like in a daydream with questions popping up on my mind: How will I do it? Can I do it? Will I survive? But later on, I started to realize that there’s nothing I can do anymore. I would be very selfish and self-center if I will leave my work just like that, or force her to come back, she had already given 10 years of her life for the company, maybe it’s now my turn!?! I just took what happened as a challenge. I have to work hard, and do everything I can do to have journals on time. But the most challenging and difficult task I have to endure is to have available papers for an issue.

The journal has been circulating for over 30 years now, featuring over a hundreds of different papers and studies. Like any other thing, the publication has also experienced its great abundance… abundance on papers/articles, which are submitted not only by local authors but also by foreign enthusiasts. It was the time that our journal is the only one of its kind circulating in Asia. But as years went by, changes also went on, other publications came in and competition arises, and articles/papers came to us less and less.

After three decades, we only now have at least five authors, who are dedicated to share their studies/papers for our journal. I really felt bad because given the subject that the journal is dedicated to and the advance technology that this generation have, we should have been receiving now more and more papers for the journal. But I understand that it won’t happen that easy because of the competition, we are competing with foreign publications. I have talked to some authors a year ago, and they refuse to give us the chance to publish their works in our journal because they do not want to have any conflict with the submission of it to foreign publications, and also money really matters. While we are giving a very minimal amount of peso as an honorarium, maybe our counterparts are offering dollars. Well, that’s life!

That is my dilemma now, but I guess that would always be my dilemma every start and middle of the year. If I have no enough articles or worse if there’s nothing at all, how can I produce an issue of the journal? Every article is like a medication that keeps the ailing journal live, and the journal is the reason why I am still here… and I am not yet ready to leave my work so I need to use all my strength and all my brain cells to seek for more than enough medication to keep life going…

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I am lucky to work in a company, which holds office for only 4 days a week. With this kind of schedule, I became interested in looking for some activity/ies on which I can use my free time. I ended up applying in a tutorial center and was been accepted. The tutorial sessions are done in the house of the student.

My first project came in November 2006; this only lasted for a week. I was tasked to assist a grade 3 half-British student to review her lessons in preparation for the week-long periodical exam. I had no difficulties on teaching her the lessons; the problem is her mood, but what can you expect from a 9-yr old girl who has been in class the whole day and then has to read, write, and recite the lessons again and again for another hour at home. She was exhausted and so do I; but I have to maintain my patience, it was the most challenging part of it. I am glad that I survived!

The next assignment was in the middle of 2007. My student was a grade 7 studying in De La Salle Zobel. The name of the school gave me a little doubt of myself. Can I do it? Based on my experience with the first student, lessons nowadays are way, way in advance than what I have studied during my elementary years (more than 10 yrs ago!). With the school he is in, there is no doubt that lessons are not simple, and so I prepared myself for complicated tutorial session with him. My first week was like a do-or-die game, I almost gave up. I’m working in Ortigas and he’s living in Manila, I have to rush to their house after office, catching the MRT and LRT trips to hit the 5:30 schedule. Another challenge for me is the lesson, which indeed is tricky and complicated; and do I still have to emphasize that the student is an achiever, smart and very eager to learn more. I thought of giving up but I accepted the challenge, why not? Aside from the challenges, the only problem that I have encountered is my time. There were days that I was late, and he’s no longer in the mood to study.

After some time, I got used with my new routine. In an instant, I became a student again, studying lessons, especially in Science: the subject matter that hated me ever since! There were times that he’s the one teaching me the lesson, Science is his forte. But with Mathematics, I am the one in charge. I missed solving problems and answering equations, and I really enjoyed doing it again. I think one thing that made our tutorials active is because we complement; I have helped him in his homework because he helped me.

I was his tutor for 8 months, covering his last school year in elementary. It was during those days that I really felt like a student all over again: studying and reviewing for the exam and anticipating for its results, cramming for the project that has to be submitted the next day, etc. Eight months is long enough for me to be affected on anything related to him and his studies. I felt proud whenever he got high grades; and sorry if there is a few not so high grade. I also somehow prayed for him to be one of the graduating honor students. Also, eight months has been long enough for me to be relaxed on our sessions, listening to his and his sister’s stories on what had happened in school that day and other things. It was really fun and a great learning experience for me. If I have to look back on those days, I won’t see the troubles that I have encountered with the MRT and LRT trips, but what would be very visible are the memories of learning and sharing stories with him and his sister. I am glad to have that chance meeting them. I wish them success on whatever path that they will choose; and I hope to share stories with them again.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What goes around comes around...

What goes around comes around… I got this line from one of the emails I received recently. The man in the story helped an old woman, who in return helped a pregnant waitress, who turned out to be the wife of the man (who helped the old woman). The assistance that the man has given returns to him through his wife.

This has been the story that helped me decide on something couple of days ago…

A friend, whom I have not seen for almost a year, asks for some help. After looking over the situation, I decided to help out. Helping friends in need (provided that there’s still something left for our family) has been so easy for me. I know how hard it is to be in need; and it is so disappointing and distressing if no one reached out for you.

Unlike the story, my case has been the other way around. Lots of helps first came to me; as I grew up, I have been very blessed to benefit on financial (and moral) assistance & support from family, relatives and friends. When I was in college, I have been very lucky to have some people who had helped me out to survive; and luckier to still have them backing me up even when I began to work (and until now).

Good stuffs shouldn’t be stagnant! And so, there I was last night, waited for my friend for hours, to pass on the assistance that I have received in the past and hope that it will flows throughout the others, who might be in need.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

98 days before Christmas...


I found the music video of PUSO by Spongecola in You Tube... this is the themesong of the UAAP men's basketball.... ASTIG! (Why is Martin Reyes not part of this video?)

UP FIGHT!!! :)


MY past Christmas(es)

Like many other individuals, Christmas is special for me. Whenever Christmas season comes near, I always feel a strange feeling, which I can’t really figure out. Maybe it is because I was born in –ber months, 106 days before Christmas; and so I am considering the 1st day of the 1st –ber month as the start of the Christmas season. It’s 98 days before Christmas! I can’t help but look back on my past 23 Christmas seasons.

How can I forget the small old Christmas tree (about 18 inches) and the small bells & balls dangling on its branches. It was the Christmas decoration displayed on the top of the old BW television set, which also serves as a cabinet in our “living” area. Along with that Christmas tree, is the poinsettia “vine” together with the Christmas light, surrounding the drift wood placed in the corner. There is also this shiny, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” that dances with the wind. It was fastened at the wall behind the TV set. The trio Christmas decors have been the usual view in our home every Holiday Season. Of the three, the drift wood is the most special because it always bears socks the night before Christmas and so Santa Clause is paying him a visit every Christmas eve.

I was in high school, when I have completed the Simbang Gabi for the first time. I was able to woke up early and attend the mass before going to school. I was really happy and fulfilled because I was able to complete the 9 masses. It was also during that time that every house is required to put a ‘star’ (parol) in the front yard, and if I was not mistaken, we had the biggest ‘star’!

Christmas 1997: I was in 1st yr high school, my sister and I spent Christmas here in Manila. I have experienced for the first time to be awake on Christmas Eve and have a Noche Buena. After the mass, we went to the mall. Tita Bell let us choose a pair of slippers and a blouse as her gift. Well, what is with the color orange? My sister and I have both chosen a blouse with orange&white, and the slippers… also orange. [By the way, my sister’s slippers turned into blackish orange as she has still used it until 2 yrs ago]. We went back home by ourselves, 3 days after Christmas. We are still using the Candelaria route that time, and because it was our first time to travel alone, we get off the bus in the middle of the bridge, kumusta naman yun! and so we have to walk a few meters to reach the jeepney terminal.

Hmmm… how about Christmas parties? The most unforgettable one is when I was in Grade 1, I was the only one who’s wearing the school uniform in our class; huhuhu… sad… but I can no longer remember the reason why. Another significant one is in 2005; it was the first and last block 9(A) Christmas party that I have attended. We did the gathered in Maragondon Cavite, I enjoyed playing cards, in between, hahaha.. I lost in most of the rounds and I paid out more or less 50 pesos! And before I forgot, my 4 Christmas(es) in UP Manila… I never missed the Oblation Run, hahaha! and I have joined in the Lantern Parade once.

It was also during the Christmas season of 2006, when I traveled by plane for the first time. We went to Bacolod. It was such a memorable experience. Then guess what? After two years, I’ll be taking a trip again by plane… We are going to… secret! Hmph! I will get my passport first!

But my Christmas seasons do not all have cheerful memories. As far as I can remember, I already have few sorrowful Christmas seasons. *****Christmas 1996: An uncle very close to us died 4 days before Christmas. It was really a heartbreaking holiday season for our family and relatives. *****Christmas 2001: I was still mourning for the death of our grandmother, who passed away August 2001. Also, Christmas season will never be the same because she’s no longer with us. Her birthday is December 28, and we had only celebrated her birthday twice or thrice because we are not aware of her birthdate. Whenever we asked her, she’ll reply: mayayakir din yun! We found out about her birthdate through her voter’s ID. I am personally saddened by her early death, (she died at the age of 90, but for me, it is still a little early), because I haven’t fulfilled my promise when she left; I was just starting then to ascend on my stepping stone to reach my goals. Seven years after she left, I hope that she is pleased on my way of fulfilling that promise, I may now be just in the mid of fulfilling it but I’ll do my best to fully accomplished it. Wherever she may be now, I hope that she is happy on how we are now. *****Christmas 2003: My high school Math teacher died few days after Christmas. I was one of those who were really affected. He is one of the very few people who have shown trust and confidence in me. He may not know it, but he had given me encouragement to at least believe that I can. For a student like me, who have not been part of the high school’s honor roll list, his encouragements has motivated me a lot and have helped me land to the UPCAT passers’ list. Many of us his students have been very affected by his departure.

Well, I have a long, long way to go… I may still have another more or less three 23 Christmas seasons and I hope to have happier holiday seasons in the future!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dinner for August celebrants

Dinner in Makati, Saturday, September 13: Call time is 6pm, there’s no scheduled UAAP game that day so I was not late, I even came a little early at around 5:45pm. While waiting for others, I went around the mall to look for ATMs; I am so annoyed because most of them were out of service!?! Good thing, there’s a solitary terminal working at the ground floor.

Quarter past 6pm, we are all gathered in front of the restaurant waiting for our turn to have a seat… all tables were occupied. After 10 years of waiting, we had our chance to go inside, and oh, here comes Muri… [She’s just in time… just in time that we’re going na inside; Mhike, what can you say hindi na naghintay si Muri?!?? Hahaha!]

In between chewing of food are non-stop chickahan and chismis and laughing out loud [literally LOUD!!!] hahaha… it is always fun seeing them, and being updated on each other’s lives. We are done eating but we stayed a little longer talking about many IMPORTANT matters: from the latest movies, AVSP and FTFT, koreanovelas, and of course how can we forget to chat about the “never-ending story of all time”, every time we meet it is impossible not to mention that topic and the people connected to it… hahaha… move on! And because the restaurant personnel are already giving us dagger looks for staying so long, we left the place and look for other spot. On our way from the restaurant: well, well, well, guess who’s here?!? [Diane, where r u??? I think it is, indeed, not yet the right time. Hahaha!]

Around 11pm, bye bye time… see you next time friends!!!


birthday celebration 1

My 24th birthday Wednesday, September 10

I had a stormy birthday, heavy rains and strong winds joined forces to make the weather so mean. Fortunately I was at home because I used my birthday leave privilege, hahaha. My cp started to beep with birthday greetings as early as 3am. At around 4pm, my sisters and I went to HP chapel to attend the mass; we’re back at home by 7pm and wrapped up the day with an appetizing dinner [yummy! Pizza from Shakeys and pancit with coke zero]. Well, the highlight of the day is my funny, scary dream in the middle of the day, hahaha, that’s the effect of too much sleep! :)

That was the 1st celebration… just hang around to know where the next gala is!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

my 1st post!

this is my first post... for this blog... i actually started my blog last july but i forgot my username and password... :(