Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What goes around comes around...

What goes around comes around… I got this line from one of the emails I received recently. The man in the story helped an old woman, who in return helped a pregnant waitress, who turned out to be the wife of the man (who helped the old woman). The assistance that the man has given returns to him through his wife.

This has been the story that helped me decide on something couple of days ago…

A friend, whom I have not seen for almost a year, asks for some help. After looking over the situation, I decided to help out. Helping friends in need (provided that there’s still something left for our family) has been so easy for me. I know how hard it is to be in need; and it is so disappointing and distressing if no one reached out for you.

Unlike the story, my case has been the other way around. Lots of helps first came to me; as I grew up, I have been very blessed to benefit on financial (and moral) assistance & support from family, relatives and friends. When I was in college, I have been very lucky to have some people who had helped me out to survive; and luckier to still have them backing me up even when I began to work (and until now).

Good stuffs shouldn’t be stagnant! And so, there I was last night, waited for my friend for hours, to pass on the assistance that I have received in the past and hope that it will flows throughout the others, who might be in need.


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