Tuesday, November 27, 2012

something new :)

i am so glad to meet new "friends"... it was our very first time meeting each other but i somehow felt an instant connection... it was really like a teammate spirit that we did not get on in the elevator since there's no space for the five of us, we ended up using the stairs - 4th going down the ground floor... it was fun meeting 'variety' of individuals... Karl, graduate of Central Colleges of the Philippines and currently working as an Editor; Niccolo, fresh graduate of BS Psychology from Ateneo de Manila University and now wants to pursue Music while working; Chino, graduate of Consular Studies in De La Salle University - College of St. Benilde and worked as Flight Attendant in PAL for few years; and Candice, who is working as a traffic reporter for a radio station... it was my first time to meet different people, with different background in just a single day, and it was really fun... Good luck Batch 6 teammates, it just so sad that i have to quit :( i hope to meet you again in the future... :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

...stepping forward

the first few days was very difficult, there were awkward silence from time to time... it felt like the first few days, when i still need to think what to say and i just can't comment on things, i felt that i need to be careful on what i will say... i thought the remaining days would be like a mirror of the first few days... the worst is the first day actually, i got hurt, it seemed that they don't really know me...

the following days felt better, it seemed that things have already sinked in... maybe they have already understand, yet the questions still linger, i actually have a definite answer but the way things happen, it seems that my answer will never be accepted... but still, i'm sure of what i did...

i fully understand the consequences and i am ready to surpass them all... it is only now that i somehow stick to something that i want to do, so i'll go for it even if the road ahead of me is so hazy and maybe with super typhoons but i'll be happy to pass through it and be rewarded with sunny atmosphere!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


this is it! this is really it! it's now time to move on. i felt and i saw through your reaction that i somehow disappointed or should i say turned you down with my decision, but the thing is you disappointed me first. i never thought that i'll ever do this, but well, things just pushed me to the limit, small things accumulated and before i knew it, suffocation came in. everything just seemed to get worse, i can no longer see or i can no longer wait to see it get better. i already came to the point that i don't care anymore. i never asked for too much, but i think i deserve better than this. what will happen next is still uncertain, but what i am sure is i want to move on NOW and do something else, and i know i will never regret this. i have been just standing for the past years, it's now time to take a step forward, or maybe take a step backward and take a good look of the things before me and decide where to step forward. i understand that things won't be easy, but i am now ready to take on my doubts, worries, what-ifs and indecisiveness in the past. i am hoping for the best, and i know God will guide me along the way.

Friday, September 7, 2012


this picture was taken last weekend, the 1st day of September in San Juan, Batangas. it's nice to watch the pouring rain against the lights of the vehicles that were passing by. as the rain intensified, i had the privilege to sing on top of my lungs without disturbing the neighborhood, it's great to do it once in a while and clear my thoughts. it felt so great watching the rain and singing, hahaha. :D i hope to do it again! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What’s so special with the month of September? Is it because it’s Mama Mary’s and MY birth month? (hahaha, bias!!!!) Or is it because it’s the first –ber month of the year and the (un)official start of the Philippine Christmas season?

I am just wondering what’s really so special with this month that some songs have ‘September’ on its lyrics and even on the title itself, have you ever heard the Green Day’s “Wake me up when September ends”? I realized it just the other day when I saw in YouTube CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa singing an English song with “September” in the lyrics. The song’s title is “Try to Remember” originally sung by The Four Brothers back in the 1950s. In the early 2000’s, who didn’t sing along with Mandy Moore’s “Cry”, one of the OST of the movie, A Walk to Remember.

Wikipedia information:

- most of those born in September has the zodiac sign Virgo
- the birthstone is Sapphire
- the birth flowers are forget-me-not and morning glory

Enjoy the 'September' music! :)

credit to YT uploader: 1997Kpopers

credit to YT uploader: CandyGirl1110

credit to YT uploader: greenday

Thursday, August 30, 2012


August 2012 will end tomorrow, because of the habagat and two long weekends, august just past like that... i only have four months to do everything... one thing for sure, december will be my last month here, although i really, really, really want to go by mid- or end of november... worst come to worst, i'll leave here even if i still have nowhere to go... with my financial state now, i really know that i can't afford to be jobless even for a week... will i just stick to "God will provide?" ... this is not easy, i know i have my mistakes and shortcomings... i should be responsible, i have already started the right track of my Phase-plans, i should not give up now... fighting!!!! four months is still enough if i will start now and focus to my goals... i hope to do better... i have to know my priorities, so much for the escapes and sleeping... make concrete plans and alternatives... :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


...the 7th year came before i knew it... the time did not only fly, it actually zoomed fast like a bullettrain... this only means that another year has been added to the somehow wasted struggling time of knowing what i really want to do... as i reached my 7th year today, just when i'm seriously considering of leaving my comfort zone, i somehow felt being appreciated, and i just realized it's one of my weaknesses... it feels good when your work is appreciated... BUT, may i just emphasize that this will have nothing to do with my plans... i have already decided to go... i have already began my "i don't care anymore" attitude... this is not about any other thing, this is just about me... if i was given monetary consideration, it's because i did my part in the past, no one has the right to ask me now WHY? i've celebrated this day for the past 6 years happily, but not anymore... seven years has been a big part of me, and i am greatly thankful for those years, i owe them so much, i learned a lot, but just like almost everything, there's always an end... i need to start a new chapter sooner or later... Thank you Lord for those 7 years, but definitely there would never be an 8th year... months from now, things would be a lot, lot different, it may be easier or more difficult, but i know i'll be happy and won't feel any regrets... :) With Lord's help, I'll feel okay and better... :)

It's now or never... :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

CNBLUE: Teardrops in the Rain

...no one ever sees, no one feels the pain, i shed teardrops in the rain...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


...TODAY is post galore day!!!! :)

waaahhhh...... i wanno go back to Hongkong Disneyland (wailing mode!!!!) hahahaha....

thinking aloud...

...it's really been a while, my last post was about the third Detective Conan - Live Action movie, but i have already seen the fourth one weeks ago...

...today doesn't feel so right, seems like something is wrong, it really feels so annoyiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg, why do good things always need a counterpart, so annoying.... i always try to be positive, sometimes i succeed, but there are really times like this that you can't defeat negative vibes, sigh! sigh! sigh! well, well, well... i thought of something good, we are just waiting for Mac's passport and Ron's back in Manila... i'll just end here in a positive note! :)


...well, well, well... it's been a while, eh...

...just some post-Independence day thoughts...

The Philippines celebrated its 114th anniversary of independence/freedom. If I remember what I learned from my history classes right, the Independence Day that we are celebrating every June 12 happened in 1898, but Americans were still ruling in the Philippines in 1900s. Does this mean that we are only celebrating independence from the Spaniards, how about our independence from the Americans, when is it? Or maybe we haven’t really gained our independence from them. We may not be directly under their rules nowadays but we are still so much dependent on them.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Detective Conan :)

Kudo Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
Mouri Ran, Mouri Kogoro, Hattori Heiji, Professor Agasa
Inspector Megure
Haibaira, Ayumi, Mitchiko, Genta
Suzuki Sonoko, Kazuha
Kudo Yusaku, Kisaki Eri

Detective Conan Live Action Movie 3. Watch here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

leap year

i am turning 28 this year and based on my computation, today is the 8th leap year since i was born.

in one of the weekday masses that i have attended in HP Chapel this month, the priest mentioned in his homily that February is month of "kulang-kulang". almost everyone (if not all) born on February have "saltik", "sumpong", etc. but GOD is really, really good as the priest emphasized, HE was able to balance it by making February as the LOVE month - whatever the "kulang" or how deep the "kulang" is - LOVE can fulfill all that is missing and needed.

----- o0o -----

Few notes from Wikipedia:

- A leap year is a year containing one additional day in order to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year.

- February 29 is a date that usually occurs every four years, and is called leap day.

- In leap years, it is the only month that ends on the same weekday it begins.

- Having only 28 days in common years, it is the only month of the year that can pass without a single full moon.

Friday, February 10, 2012

the moon

Makati skyline view from VCT1 - 02.09.2012, 20:30
Look up at the moon, it's shining up there... Moon often fascinates me especially during its full (moon) phase, looking at it as it brightens the night and dominates the sky somehow makes me want to go there, hehehe. If i'll be given a chance, i will really grab the opportunity to travel to the moon! That would be great! A one in a lifetime adventure!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

at random

random thoughts during lunch time

...i want to write so many things but i just don't know how to begin, so maybe i'll just start randomly.

...i was late for four (straight) days this week; too lazy to get up, MRT technical problems, LRT code blue, etc.

...i saw an old group picture with Sir Velandres in Facebook; i am thinking "if he's still here with us, what would be the difference?" everyone just drifted away from each other, physically and emotionally :(

...i am grateful that Mam Del let Ron stay at their house in Calapan, Thank you Lord for letting us know people like her.

...i hope that MTM** will learn how to properly send/re-assign their employees/staff to other places, profit alone won't make them progress; treat your people well and success will follow.

...i hope to be calm and positive on things that are happening; i tend to be drown by them, and just want to shut off everything; so emotionally exhausting!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Rain of Blessing - CNBLUE

CNBlue's Rain of Blessing

Lyrics by Kenji Tamai, Kaori Fukano, Keisuke
Music by Lee Jong Hyun, Ryo
Arranged by Kenji Tamai, Shunsuke Tsuri

Sound of falling rain whispering tenderly in this sleepless night, tonight
The silent dream sleeps with world of blue, good night
We were here
All the time with you
We were gazing at our future
Please take a piece of me and when the morning comes
I’m waiting for rain to wash all my tears away
The remaining memory is blowing in the wind
Come feel the season change with every heart beat
Over and over, every day
Only you and me
I’ll play without ever changing
Forever more and more
Is it raindrops or my teardrops? It’s pouring into this world
I’ll never stop walking even if I can’t see my end, no way
Sand castle mirage
Without noticing, I kept drawing a dream
You know I’m losing color without you here
Gonna change my world without you by my side

Never say goodbye
Stay as it is, please don’t end
Wanna take the journey knowing there’s no end
The hurt in my heart
Rain always washed it away
Please take a piece of me and when the morning comes
I’m waiting for the rain to wash all my tears away
The remaining memory is blowing in the wind
Come feel the season change with every heart beat
Over and over, every day
Only you and me
I’ll play without changing


Sunday, January 8, 2012

welcome 2012!

happy new year!

i failed to complete the simbang-gabi of 2011, i got sick :( , but still i'm glad because my wish was granted, i just hope that my wish won't be taken back... that was one of the best Christmas gift i ever got! :)

seems like 2012 is also in a hurry, we're already on the 8th day!

i hope for a better 2012!