Thursday, February 9, 2012

at random

random thoughts during lunch time

...i want to write so many things but i just don't know how to begin, so maybe i'll just start randomly.

...i was late for four (straight) days this week; too lazy to get up, MRT technical problems, LRT code blue, etc.

...i saw an old group picture with Sir Velandres in Facebook; i am thinking "if he's still here with us, what would be the difference?" everyone just drifted away from each other, physically and emotionally :(

...i am grateful that Mam Del let Ron stay at their house in Calapan, Thank you Lord for letting us know people like her.

...i hope that MTM** will learn how to properly send/re-assign their employees/staff to other places, profit alone won't make them progress; treat your people well and success will follow.

...i hope to be calm and positive on things that are happening; i tend to be drown by them, and just want to shut off everything; so emotionally exhausting!!!

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