Tuesday, November 6, 2012


this is it! this is really it! it's now time to move on. i felt and i saw through your reaction that i somehow disappointed or should i say turned you down with my decision, but the thing is you disappointed me first. i never thought that i'll ever do this, but well, things just pushed me to the limit, small things accumulated and before i knew it, suffocation came in. everything just seemed to get worse, i can no longer see or i can no longer wait to see it get better. i already came to the point that i don't care anymore. i never asked for too much, but i think i deserve better than this. what will happen next is still uncertain, but what i am sure is i want to move on NOW and do something else, and i know i will never regret this. i have been just standing for the past years, it's now time to take a step forward, or maybe take a step backward and take a good look of the things before me and decide where to step forward. i understand that things won't be easy, but i am now ready to take on my doubts, worries, what-ifs and indecisiveness in the past. i am hoping for the best, and i know God will guide me along the way.

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