Saturday, August 2, 2014

...moving on

I saw this un-post blog from Pinky... i wrote this 09 july 2013, judging from the content, i was still emotional back then... i still feel sad from time to time, but just like what they say, TIME can heal wounds... it's been more than a year, many things have happened... but one thing for sure,,, Kakang Mely will always be in our hearts and memories... and her name will live another lifetime...

things happen for a reason, and what happened last june 28 (2013) is not an exception. a part of me is holding unto this, but a bigger part of me is asking WHYs. it just happened so fast like a blink of an eye. just like that. period. what happened is a big surprise. is it possible to rewind it and have that car pass that intersection, perhaps, 10 or 15 minutes later, so it won't have any chance to hit the tricycle??? or what if they just decided to get tricycle from the terminal, there's a possibility that they won't take that route? well, i can go on thinking of all the possibilities to avoid that accident the entire day, but sad to say, at the end of the day, nothing will change... it happened, and we can no longer do anything to change it... :( :( :(

thank you Kakang Mely for everything, thank you for always being there with us, thank you for all the support, thank you for the love and understanding, thank you, thank you! we will surely miss you. you will always be remembered. things will never be the same without you. We love you, i hope you are happy and at peace now.

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