Thursday, January 27, 2011


It’s only 6:30am, but I’m already here in the office. I left the house very early, and took the earliest LRT & MRT trips. When I get off the MRT, it’s still a little dark and this is my first time to come to the office this early, thanks to the streetlamps, the streets are visible enough. I planned to walk fast so I can easily reach the office, but as I walk I decided to slow down and appreciate the morning and have the so called “prandering”.

I first encounter the word when I read Didache 2011 [ thanks to my sistah, Che, for the Didache! ], the author defined prandering as the combined word for praying and pondering. It was further explained as not exactly a full prayer mode, but not just pondering, because God is guiding the thoughts. It is the moment when we are thinking, analyzing, trying to decide on things that are bothering us or are happening around us, etc.

The word is new to me, but the deed behind the word is not. When I read it, I told myself, “so maybe the more appropriate word is prandering and not daydreaming”, hehehe. I often do that anytime of the day, I often find myself lost on my own thoughts. Since I am usually alone in my area doing my work, I usually (or is it always) pause on what I am doing then start thinking and analyzing. There are times that I thought I came at a dead end, but after “prandering”, there’s a positive feedback, it’s either God has guided me on some ideas or options on what I should do.

Looking back, I’ve been doing it since I was in college; I usually go to school early, then I’ll just be staying in the PGH Chapel letting my thoughts flow freely; it makes me feel so peaceful and relaxed.

Walking from the MRT station to the office is a good time for prandering, but it’s just too hard to do especially if I’m running late, hehehe. But this morning is just so perfect: the thick black clouds are slowly fading, letting the morning light take over; the air around is cool, and there are not so many people and vehicles around; I just walked like I’m in the park. It’s so refreshing and relaxing, especially now that I have been cracking my brains on how to resuscitate our publications. I know it will no longer be like a walk in the park for the next few months, I have to start from the scratch for some parts of my work, but I am glad because I’ll now be happily Working (with capital W) and not just happily doing little work. Our financial constraint is still lingering around and now more evident, but God only knows what is best for the company.

“Nobody said that it will be easy, but just stick to it and you’ll soon realize that it is not as hard as what you think it is.”

Lord, thank you so much for waking me up early, and letting me see a beautiful dawn, and thank you for giving me a very serene time for my prandering. I think I should always do this prandering, so I can write often; because it is only when I am at peace that my thoughts can flow freely. So, writing is also my way of prandering? 