Monday, January 3, 2011

happy new year

...thank you 2010 for all the not-so-good things that occurred, they have made me stronger... and for all the good things that will continue to inspire me to do my best.... :)

...the changes that i've planned did not happen, I guess my plan is not according to the Master plan. i think there is really a proper time for everything. for now, i'll have the best out of my current work; anyway, it doesn't feel like work most of the time. i'll just enjoy every second of my stay, because every second that pass will accumulate to be part of a wonderful past, it will be great to look back on happy thoughts... :)

...thank you Lord for a very wonderful year of 2010, I am looking forward for a better 2011... :)

...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011! :)

...wishing everyone all the best things in life! :)

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