Monday, September 2, 2013

hapi :D

it's 12:18am, trying to finish encoding one article but some thoughts are running on my mind...

what i am doing might just be nonsense to others, but this is how i want to spend my life, i am not saying that this is what i will do for the rest of my life, but at the moment, it's what makes me happy, a sense of fulfillment, people may think i am just wasting my time, but i will never regret and consider it as a waste of time because i am happy, it can make me smile, laugh and be happy... can make my day bright and okay... :) it just feels that i am just being myself, happy and positive! i am not doing anything wrong, i think, it's not wrong to laugh as long as i am not hurting anyone... just like anyone else, i only have one chance in this lifetime, might as well be happy, right? ;)

by the way, time really flies... -ber months has started... and i am turning more beautiful next week :)

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