Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ventenwebe ;)

late post:

...woke up with this banerette (small banner), thanks to my sister, Che! :) it was such a nice, rainy, and fulfilling day! Thank you Lord for giving me wonderful siblings to celebrate with me as a i turned a year older, braver, and prettier?!? :D


it's Tuesday already and i haven't accomplished my med cert, i went to the clinic twice and unfortunately the doctor is on leave... it's Tuesday already and i haven't really started studying or reviewing for my final exam on Saturday (nganga na naman, ha Tet???) ...

things has never changed, this is still me, the old ME, the cramming girl, whatever i do, however i do, i always end up making the things right or at least the best to be right on the last seconds or hours maybe! i think i am really not the type of person who is organized and doing things at once... i am always waiting for the last few hours, or should i blame my brain, 'coz it's just working during those last few hours...

i'm here again so what do you expect??? i'm in my panic mode again and paranoid... hope to get over this soon... :) but of course, what is important is at the end of the day, whatever happens, i always believe that it's the only way God wanted things to happen. Smile na! :) Good Vibes na! :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

hapi :D

it's 12:18am, trying to finish encoding one article but some thoughts are running on my mind...

what i am doing might just be nonsense to others, but this is how i want to spend my life, i am not saying that this is what i will do for the rest of my life, but at the moment, it's what makes me happy, a sense of fulfillment, people may think i am just wasting my time, but i will never regret and consider it as a waste of time because i am happy, it can make me smile, laugh and be happy... can make my day bright and okay... :) it just feels that i am just being myself, happy and positive! i am not doing anything wrong, i think, it's not wrong to laugh as long as i am not hurting anyone... just like anyone else, i only have one chance in this lifetime, might as well be happy, right? ;)

by the way, time really flies... -ber months has started... and i am turning more beautiful next week :)