Wednesday, December 18, 2013

chopsuey :D

...almost 3 months in my new workplace, it's difficult sometimes, fun sometimes, stressing oftentimes, but at the end of the day, it's fulfilling and i can genuinely say i am happy on what is happening to my so called life now. :)

...last 05 December 2013 was my first event - Thailand's National Day at Dusit Thani Hotel in Makati; such a memorable day??? :)why not?? i was wearing my high-heels shoes for almost 16 long hours and then we had to walk around Makati to get a cab :( but again, it was such a great event! :) student life is a bit laid back these days, but i have to be ready for a blow-by-blow puyatan and iyakan (???) early next year back-to-back with the busy preparations for the hig-level meetings!!! Good luck to me! :) Might as well make the most out of the remaining days of 2013 and be tough as 2014 comes. :D

..the first baby in the family is coming in less than 7 months, excited! :) and my baby sister is getting married!!! :)'s Christmas Day next week!!! :) i'm going home on the 24th and be back here in Manila on the 25th; i suddenly miss na may looooooooooongggggg Christmas break!!! :D


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ventenwebe ;)

late post:

...woke up with this banerette (small banner), thanks to my sister, Che! :) it was such a nice, rainy, and fulfilling day! Thank you Lord for giving me wonderful siblings to celebrate with me as a i turned a year older, braver, and prettier?!? :D


it's Tuesday already and i haven't accomplished my med cert, i went to the clinic twice and unfortunately the doctor is on leave... it's Tuesday already and i haven't really started studying or reviewing for my final exam on Saturday (nganga na naman, ha Tet???) ...

things has never changed, this is still me, the old ME, the cramming girl, whatever i do, however i do, i always end up making the things right or at least the best to be right on the last seconds or hours maybe! i think i am really not the type of person who is organized and doing things at once... i am always waiting for the last few hours, or should i blame my brain, 'coz it's just working during those last few hours...

i'm here again so what do you expect??? i'm in my panic mode again and paranoid... hope to get over this soon... :) but of course, what is important is at the end of the day, whatever happens, i always believe that it's the only way God wanted things to happen. Smile na! :) Good Vibes na! :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

hapi :D

it's 12:18am, trying to finish encoding one article but some thoughts are running on my mind...

what i am doing might just be nonsense to others, but this is how i want to spend my life, i am not saying that this is what i will do for the rest of my life, but at the moment, it's what makes me happy, a sense of fulfillment, people may think i am just wasting my time, but i will never regret and consider it as a waste of time because i am happy, it can make me smile, laugh and be happy... can make my day bright and okay... :) it just feels that i am just being myself, happy and positive! i am not doing anything wrong, i think, it's not wrong to laugh as long as i am not hurting anyone... just like anyone else, i only have one chance in this lifetime, might as well be happy, right? ;)

by the way, time really flies... -ber months has started... and i am turning more beautiful next week :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

random thoughts...

it's now 1:31 in the morning... i am trying to do my 3rd reaction papers... but sad to say, i can't think of anything and it's due on saturday... i still have or should i say i only have 4 days to do it...

i just realized, i haven't seen my (diary) notebook for a while, many things have happened, i hope i can have time and enthusiasm to write on it again... because i am looking forward of getting to know myself again five or ten years from now... i intend to keep those notebooks and look back on the silly ME... :)

i hope to receive another phone call from ms. joanne soon for my next interview schedule... i badly needed a job... :(

Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad; but it's everything in between that makes it worth living..."

Friday, August 23, 2013

back to school. ;)

it's exactly three months since i last wrote here... time passed just like that... well, i was back to being a student... i can say it's hard especially during the first few weeks, worrying over being away from school for almost eight years, afraid that things have been very, very different now... sleepless nights, i suddenly hated friday because it means i'll have a class the next day, the weekdays suddenly became like my weekends... tons of readings, nervousness over reports and papers... i started going to school at age 6 in kinder and graduated in college at the age of 20, a total of 15 years in school, countless exams and recitations, but honestly it is only now that i felt being a certified student, studying and focusing on the requirements... it felt like a whole new experience all over again, as i have said on my first day, it felt like i am in grade one again, trying to learn how to do things... barely one month to go, the semester will be over but it still feels like i am still in the adjustment period now... but what is good about all these new things is at the bottom of it is the sense of accomplishment for where i am now... i know i still have a long way to go, but i am glad that i am no longer where i was before, i am more financially unstable now but maybe i just learned not to worry over it too much... maybe i have learned to trust GOD more now, and so far He hasn't disappoint me... i am now more confident on things that is coming my way, if my plans don't go the way i want it to be then it's not the things that GOD has written on HIS master plan for me, as simple as that... few years back, this was just a dream, but it's now here within my reach, i was given the opportunity and all i need is to keep my determination and faith that things will be okay... Thank You Lord for everything... I am glad that i took the risk because i believe i am doing okay now... :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


things seem to be on the right track...
i was given the chance...
it's now really up to me to really do my best to achieve what i want...
i believe this is what God prepared for me, and i am very grateful for this...
i am thankful for what i have right now...

i know things won't be always easy, i will encounter few difficulties, but i believe that i'll pass them all just like my worries before... i just need to keep my faith on HIM :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

hoping for the best! :)

it's been months... what's new?? i have resigned from work and jobless for more than three months now... after so much urong-sulong, i finally had the courage to try my luck on my plans of going back to school - to take up Masters in Asian Studies in UP Diliman's Asian Center... i have finally passed the requirements last March 13, and had the Aptitude and Essay Exam today (yesterday, actually since it's April 9 na today) how's the exam? what do you expect? it's a million times harder than the UPCAT!!! i really had my brain cells cracked into thousand pieces!!! hahaha... but seriously, it's an admission exam in UP, no need to ask, right? :) but today's activity is just the second step of a long journey, (the first step is passing the requirements!) the panel interview is scheduled on the 18th, so wish me luck!!! :)

this has been a long overdue plan...
it's hoping for the best and expecting for the worst...
if i'll be admitted and have the chance to pursue it, i'll be very happy but if not, it's just also okay...
at least i had the chance to try and i am really glad enough to reach this far...

I have always believe on God's Master plan for me, ever since! so THY will be done! :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

happy 2013! :)

happy new year!!!

i was able to complete the nine masses of simbang gabi. love it!

time flies, days are in a hurry, we are already on the 12th day of 2013. no regrets on my decision to resign, although i'm now just full of options on where to go next. no definite plans yet. i know what i want and i'm praying for it. hopefully i can have it soon.

i am looking forward for another significant year. :)