Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas na ulit! :)

... it's been a while.....

18 days before Christmas!!!

We will definitely have a "cooler" Christmas this year. :)


Saturday, August 28, 2010

positive thinking

this video should make us realize how blessed we are. he has disability but he was able to do things with his own little way. he did not frustrate himself to have hands to learn how to play the piano. there are times that people complicate their life by making their life busy looking for those things that they don't have, neglecting the blessings that were already given to them.

it is important to see everything around you on its brighter side, have a happy disposition, and think on a positive way.


Thursday, August 19, 2010


I received a text message from the tutorial center the other day. They offered me to tutor a high school student on Energy and Forces. It could have been a big NO. Why? When I started accepting tutorials four years ago, I have already set my limitations. (1) I won't accept students in high school; and (2) I will never accept if I have to teach about Sciences. Why again? I am just not confident to handle them.

But I replied: Okay I'll do it. I decided to try; there's no harm in trying, right? I decided to take risks, to take challenges; to step out of my comfort zone; and to learn all over again.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Anima Christi

I liked this song ever since I first heard this in a mass in PGH Chapel when I was in college; and so I made my own video. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010


The start of the UAAP season 73 is not so good for the UP Fighting Maroons Men's Basketball Team... but I'm still hoping for better games for them. UP Fight! :-)


it's time to move on.

it's time to look for something new.

it's time to look for some changes.

it's time to leave my comfort zone.

it's time to take risks.

5 months...

i hope to finish everything on time.

January 2011...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Beginning!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Mary Magdalene is called the Preacher of the Apostles, sa kanya una nagpakita si Jesus Christ 'nung mabuhay Sya ulit. Jesus chose her, a woman, because He wants to restore the dignity of women during that time.

Ang joke nung priest kanina, Jesus chose a woman because 'pag sa babae mo sinabi ang mga bagay-bagay, you won't need letters, telegrams, calls, or texts, just tell it to them, and be sure that it will spread like fire and thus everybody will know about it. Hehehe.

It's my 4th Thursday today attending 6PM mass in St. Francis of Assissi, after the mass is the veneration to St. Pio of Pietrelcina. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


... whenever we do things, we easily get tired, but if we'll turn to the Lord, we will never get tired, Jesus said: Come to me, and I will give you rest...

- part of the homily in the mass in St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


... had dinner with my BFFs last Thursday (June 10)... it's nice to see them again, t'was our very first time to eat together again after 12 years... hopefully, hazel can join us next time...

nakaka-miss talaga ang high school days, ang kulit at ang gulo kasi...

Monday, April 12, 2010


“Let the people get off first, will ya?!”

The train took so long to arrive in the station, and as expected many people have already piled up on the waiting area. After sometime, it came, doors opened, passengers started to get out of the train, squeezing their bodies through the passengers that are rushing to get in. Then here comes the foreigner who suddenly irritably shouted, “Let the people get off first, will ya?!” He was among the last passengers to come out.

Nobody reacted or answered back, but he was given enough space to pass. Then the passengers quickly squeezed themselves into the jam-packed train.

The incident happened last Thursday, around 5PM in the MRT Shaw Boulevard station. In the last 5 years that I am taking MRT twice a day, 4X a week; it was the very first time that someone shouted over that situation, and not to mention, he is not in his own turf! It somehow irritated me, but just like everybody else I just shut up. WHY? It was never been and will never be a part of my personality to speak up on that kind of situation. (I am a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.:-)) Another thing is: he has the reason to be annoyed (BUT NOT TO SHOUT!). Well, most of the MRT commuters lack discipline waiting for other passengers to get off first before entering or maybe they are just afraid to be cuddled by the closing doors, or they are running late or maybe they will get off on the last station and wanted to have a seat. Whatever their reason is, things had never changed for the last 5 years.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

"Behind every circumstances is GOD's purpose, at times what we consider a trial is simply the hand of GOD rearranging our lives to be more fruitful." - Anonymous


Sunday, January 10, 2010

food for thought

To start 2010, i just want to share some thoughts, which has been part of the homily on last Christmas' simbang gabi masses.
... Loving is like undergoing an operation, you'll get hurt, but soon you'll recover and eventually feel well and better.

... Be humble but dignified. Humility is far different from inferiority.

... We should always feel good just simply because God loves us.

It's just so sad that i wasn't able to complete the nine masses, but i've learned my lesson: If i really want to complete the nine days, i should hear mass in just one church, so as not to hear repeated gospels.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!
... had dinner with my high school friends last Friday. It was fun talking about our high school days, and be updated about everyone. :-)