The Giants won against the Tigers on the 1st game last night; but for the 2nd game the Texters lost to the Beermen.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The rain is heavily pouring outside, how I wish I am in San Juan now... I’m serenely sitting in the balkon watching the rain as well as the thick black clouds as they turn white, and be startled by the loud thunderstorms, and have a glimpse of the striking lightning; waits for the vehicles, especially big trucks or Supreme, to run through the collected rainwaters along the road that will make large splash towards the house. It is really fun. When the rain pacifies, start placing the bangkang-papels on the balisbisan and watch them sail all following the flow of the rainwater going to the looban… These recollections really make me nostalgic whenever it is raining since I stayed here in Manila.
In contrast, I hated rain during the Meteor Garden days. We are not a cable subscriber and are merely relying on the TV antenna to get the network’s reception; whenever it’s raining, it’s as if the reception is washed away. The sound may be audible but the picture is so blurred, and it is SO frustrating (same level of frustration if it’s brownout! Grrrrrrrr)… It’s like: Rain, rain go away. Come again… in about 30-45 minutes!?!

Monday, April 6, 2009
zoobic adventure
We planned this trip 3rd week of February, over lunch. Through Rizza’s sister, we already have a booked reservation in the Holiday Inn Hotel in Clark. After more than a month of preparations, planning, itinerary, etc. finally we’re off to our Subic-Clark Summer Trip 09….
April 3, Nayong Pilipino and Clark MuseumThe powerpop gurlz with a companion plus the driver left the office at around 5:30am. Breakfast at Tapa King along NLEX. By 9am, we are already in Nayong Pilipino
We next dropped by the Clark Museum with an affordable Php30 entrance fee. We have roamed inside the museum comfortably because it’s air conditioned (the best!). Since Clark used to be a military base, most of the displays are on histories, military activities, and weapons during that time. Also, part of the exhibits are the pictures of the place when the Mt. Pinatubo erupted; there are also big pictures that shows large smokes from all over the place of that awful day.
Then, we proceeded to the Holiday Inn Hotel to have an early check-in. The room is extra big enough for us; we are in the 4th floor, overlooking the big pool. Since we left Manila early, we all decided to take a nap. Then by 2pm, we’re off to Subic to buy tickets for the ocean adventure and zoobic safari the next day. But before we even reached the two destinations, we almost all went crazy, hahahaha. We lost our way going to SCTEX, we got confused of the road signs, and imagine that we crawled an almost 10meters expressway backwards. We finally found the entry point to SCTEX, and to my surprise this expressway is toooooooo looooooong, we traveled more than an hour (I think!) to reach Subic exit. We again got lost in the Subic town proper and got caught by traffic enforcer. We had our lunch at 3pm, very late lunch!!! Then, we went on to the ocean adventure and zoobic safari. On our way back, we encountered a problem with the L300, good thing there’s a mechanic in Yokohama. We traveled again more than an hour to Clark, dropped by the SM to buy food for dinner. After dinner, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
April 4, Ocean Adventure and Zoobic Safari
We left Clark at 7:30am and reached Subic by 9:30. The Ocean Adventure opens at 10, so we took pictures while waiting. We watched 3 shows: Sea Lion Marine Patrol (sea lion show), High Dive show, and the Dolphin show. The High Dive show is their
newest attraction, there are 5 acrobats/divers who showed their talents… one of them dived backward from as high as 85ft.
For the dolphin show, I really wonder on the intellect of dolphins trained to act the way they are asked to do. It’s just amazing that somehow at a certain point of our co-existence, humans and animals understand each other.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I cried when I was (I think) 3 or 4 yrs old. It was a weekday, we attended a mass, I reasoned out that I have a toothache when they asked me why I’m crying, but the truth is I really want to go with my mother to the school.
I cried because of those “pilitan” times to practice reading before I started going to school.
I cried because of the not so many instances that I was whipped of that thick bamboo stick.
I cried because of the almost every week haircut session since I am keeping living entities on my head.
I cried because of the numerous “suyod” sessions with matching pulling of hair in relation to those living entities.
I cried when my mother did not go with me one time to wait for my “sundo” when I was in kinder. She just asked her student to go with me.
I cried when my kinder teacher pulled me out of the tango practice because I wasn’t able to follow the dance steps.
I cried when I can’t find my “gallon”. My classmate hid it at the back of the board, when I went out for lunch.
I cried when two older students pinched my cheeks. I was too chubby back then (look at my profile pic) and they got threatened by my cheeks.
I cried when I was in Grade 2, I was voted as the Sergeant-at-arms of our class, whenever the teacher is out of the classroom, my task is to list all the names of the noisy; my classmates are so noisy and so I put their names on my list, but they got angry at me.
I cried when the situation was reversed, I was the one listed as noisy and we have to pay one peso for our name to be erased from the list.
I cried when my cousins asked me to return the “makunat” Mr. Chips to the store, I don’t want to go because I am ashamed to return them. I was in my Ninang’s house then for a Christmas vacation.
I cried when Mamay (grandfather) died, I was in Grade 4.
I cried when my mother got mad and did not talk to me for a couple of days because I was “kicked-out” from the honor’s roll in Grade 5.
I cried when my uncle died.
I cried when I was in 2nd year high school, because I can’t answer my take home Math problems.
I cried (many of us cried) because of some things that happened in (high) school concerning our math teacher.
I cried months before high school graduation because I don’t know where to get a typewriter, which I will use for my term paper (ironically, the final draft was computerized).
I cried on our summer outing after graduation, R.H.E.A.S. is “fractured”.
I cried when Nanay (grandmother) died.
I cried when Sir Velandres died.
I cried when I had that vertigo; I don’t know what to do, I often felt helpless and weak.
I cried after I underwent biopsy in PGH-BCC.
I cried when I got a grade of 4 twice.