Thursday, August 30, 2012


August 2012 will end tomorrow, because of the habagat and two long weekends, august just past like that... i only have four months to do everything... one thing for sure, december will be my last month here, although i really, really, really want to go by mid- or end of november... worst come to worst, i'll leave here even if i still have nowhere to go... with my financial state now, i really know that i can't afford to be jobless even for a week... will i just stick to "God will provide?" ... this is not easy, i know i have my mistakes and shortcomings... i should be responsible, i have already started the right track of my Phase-plans, i should not give up now... fighting!!!! four months is still enough if i will start now and focus to my goals... i hope to do better... i have to know my priorities, so much for the escapes and sleeping... make concrete plans and alternatives... :)