Wednesday, July 18, 2012


...the 7th year came before i knew it... the time did not only fly, it actually zoomed fast like a bullettrain... this only means that another year has been added to the somehow wasted struggling time of knowing what i really want to do... as i reached my 7th year today, just when i'm seriously considering of leaving my comfort zone, i somehow felt being appreciated, and i just realized it's one of my weaknesses... it feels good when your work is appreciated... BUT, may i just emphasize that this will have nothing to do with my plans... i have already decided to go... i have already began my "i don't care anymore" attitude... this is not about any other thing, this is just about me... if i was given monetary consideration, it's because i did my part in the past, no one has the right to ask me now WHY? i've celebrated this day for the past 6 years happily, but not anymore... seven years has been a big part of me, and i am greatly thankful for those years, i owe them so much, i learned a lot, but just like almost everything, there's always an end... i need to start a new chapter sooner or later... Thank you Lord for those 7 years, but definitely there would never be an 8th year... months from now, things would be a lot, lot different, it may be easier or more difficult, but i know i'll be happy and won't feel any regrets... :) With Lord's help, I'll feel okay and better... :)

It's now or never... :)