Monday, July 18, 2011

6 years...

today is my 6th year anniversary in the office. i got up so sleepy this morning, blame it to the late night shows, but when I realized what date today is, I have decided to make extra effort not to be late. when I went out of the building, I’m not sure if it’s just me or the morning air is really an extra cooler today, it feels like Christmas is just around the corner. the LRT and MRT didn’t make any inconvenience either. my time-in says 6:36, and as soon as I settled on my table, the rain fell. i’ve been remembering all july 18 for the past years, but it seems like the july 18 this year is a little significant, will this be the last? no 7th year anymore? only God knows!

happy 6th year anniversary to me!