Monday, April 12, 2010


“Let the people get off first, will ya?!”

The train took so long to arrive in the station, and as expected many people have already piled up on the waiting area. After sometime, it came, doors opened, passengers started to get out of the train, squeezing their bodies through the passengers that are rushing to get in. Then here comes the foreigner who suddenly irritably shouted, “Let the people get off first, will ya?!” He was among the last passengers to come out.

Nobody reacted or answered back, but he was given enough space to pass. Then the passengers quickly squeezed themselves into the jam-packed train.

The incident happened last Thursday, around 5PM in the MRT Shaw Boulevard station. In the last 5 years that I am taking MRT twice a day, 4X a week; it was the very first time that someone shouted over that situation, and not to mention, he is not in his own turf! It somehow irritated me, but just like everybody else I just shut up. WHY? It was never been and will never be a part of my personality to speak up on that kind of situation. (I am a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.:-)) Another thing is: he has the reason to be annoyed (BUT NOT TO SHOUT!). Well, most of the MRT commuters lack discipline waiting for other passengers to get off first before entering or maybe they are just afraid to be cuddled by the closing doors, or they are running late or maybe they will get off on the last station and wanted to have a seat. Whatever their reason is, things had never changed for the last 5 years.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

"Behind every circumstances is GOD's purpose, at times what we consider a trial is simply the hand of GOD rearranging our lives to be more fruitful." - Anonymous