Thursday, November 26, 2009


I’ve become familiar with the movie, 2012, when I saw their ad in the LRT station. The ad made me so interested, it says: WE WERE WARNED; the picture shown is the grand statue in Rio de Janeiro (I forgot the name), which is in verge of collapsing, with so many people in chaos; and who would not be intrigued if you’ll see the numbers 2012, which is just barely 25 months from now.


Last Saturday, I got to see the movie (with my sisters)! [Thanks God, I thought 2012 will just be the newest addition to my list of I-want-to-see-that-movie-but-failed-to-see.]


The movie runs for almost 3 hrs.
2009-2011: Through the study done by an Indian geologist, unusual occurrences in the atmosphere are discovered. The temperature continues to rise extraordinarily. Conferences and talks among countries are done; important researches, preparation, and monitoring started.

2012: The catastrophe started to happen and be felt on every part of the globe. The Yellowstone gone dry. Roads split apart, bridges and establishments collapsed, earthquakes occur. Suddenly, volcanoes erupted, throwing up balls of fire, the next thing you know, everything is on fire. Then, waters came from everywhere, washing up everything. Everyone is in chaos, running for their life. Their only hope is to get to China, and be one of the fortunate “chosen” who will board the especially made ships to keep them safe. By the 27th day of year 0001, all that have been saved in the ship are all allowed to come out, and start a new beginning.


The movie is a very good preview of what may happen on the years to come. Earthquakes, floods, fires, they can really happen. Issues on climate change have started to be part of the newscast and reports because changes on the atmosphere are now noticeable; changes that has been harsh, unhelpful, and can be life-threatening.


In the midst of the devastation, social discrimination still existed. One billion euro is needed to have a sure accommodation in the ship. People who have paid gathered in the boarding area as the final hour came. But those in the “position” decided to just leave them behind [Thanks to Dr. Adrian, people are all allowed to get in.] Those people paid a huge amount of money, but still they almost lost their chance to live; how much more those who can’t afford to pay? They are left there in the midst of fire, and then washed away by the floods. It is depressing but that’s how life in this world goes… On the other hand, the presidents of US and Italy, who chose to stay with their people, should be commended.


Movie is still a movie so it is possible for a family to get out breathing and unscathed after escaping a village in their limousine, passing through bridges and building collapsing; flying in a chartered plane with an inexperienced pilot soaring through the thick smoke above the mountains in fire. Running for your life is a very tear-jerking situation, but hopefully everything will be okay when the ENGINE STARTs! :-)